______________________________________________ POLAR Draw ActiveX control (C) Copyright 1998. POLAR d.o.o. All rights reserved. ______________________________________________ POLAR Draw ActiveX control - Trial Version IMPORTANT: Please read this document completely before using POLAR Draw ActiveX control. CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ABOUT THE INSTALLATION PROGRAM 3. INSTALLING THE PRODUCT 4. FILE INFORMATION 5. DISTRIBUTING APPLICATIONS 6. REDISTRIBUTING APPLICATIONS 7. USING THE UNINSTALLER 8. HOW TO CONTACT US 1. INTRODUCTION POLAR Draw ActiveX control is an ActiveX component which offers seamless integration of vector drawing capabilities in your application. POLAR Draw ActiveX control is a product of POLAR software company and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. If you do not agree to the terms of the license agreement, you are not allowed to use this product or any part of it. Should you have any questions concerning this product, contact POLAR. This is a trial version of POLAR Draw ActiveX control. 2. ABOUT THE INSTALLATION PROGRAM The Installer Program installs trial version of the component. The trial version of a product is NON-REDISTRIBUTABLE. You cannot deploy applications with this version. The trial version displays the Info message box every 30 minutes reminding you that you are working with an evaluation version of the product. 3. INSTALLING THE PRODUCT The Setup program creates new directories and copies product files to your hard disk. To install a POLAR Draw ActiveX control on your hard disk: 1. Insert the first disk or CD in your drive. (If you downloaded the product from the Internet, locate the directory with installation files.) 2. Locate and double-click SETUP.EXE. 3. Follow the Setup program directions. 4. FILE INFORMATION This version of POLAR Draw ActiveX control is a STRIPPED DOWN version of POLAR Draw ActiveX control which means that it comes WITHOUT some necessary system files. In order for this version of POLAR Draw ActiveX control to work fine, make sure that you have following files already installed on your computer: mfc42.dll msvcrt.dll ole32.dll oleaut32.dll olepro32.dll msvcp50.dll vcl30.dpl (only necessary for Borland Delphi sample) msvbvm50.dll (this last file is not necessary for ActiveX controls, but it is required for the demo application that comes with installation. If you don't intend to start the demo, you dont have to have this file installed.) You can download these files at www.polarsoftware.com/download.html, and then just copy them to your system directory (by default Windows/System/ in Win95/98, or Windows/System32 on WinNT). List of Installed Files: If you choose Typical setup option, the following files will be installed in the Polar Draw ActiveX control program directory (c:\Program Files\POLAR Draw ActiveX Control Trial\, by default): Filename Description POLARDRAW.OCX Polar Draw ActiveX control README.TXT This File LICENSE.TXT License Agreement POLARDRAW.HLP Developer's On-Line Documentation POLARDRAW.CNT Contents file for PolarDraw.hlp SAMPLES\*.* Subdirectory with sample applications 5. DISTRIBUTING APPLICATIONS Please read the license agreement included in your package. You are bound by the licensing restrictions contained in this agreement. 6. REDISTRIBUTING APPLICATIONS The table below shows all the files necessary for POLAR ActiveX controls to operate properly. If you have purchased POLAR Draw ActiveX control and are deploying an application, you must ensure that the first three groups of files listed below exist on your client's machine and are the proper version. The correct versions of these files are provided on the product CD. If your client's machine has older versions of these files, you should update them. 1 POLAR DRAW.OCX 2 MFC42.DLL MSVCRT.DLL 3 OLE32.DLL OLEAUT32.DLL OLEPRO32.DLL 4 KERNEL32.DLL USER32.DLL GDI32.DLL COMDLG32.DLL VERSION.DLL ADVAPI32.DLL Polar Draw.ocx is the Polar Draw ActiveX control redistributable file. This file may be in the Windows system directory, on the computer's path, or for WinNT and Win95, in the directory specified by your application's Per Application Path key in the Registry Database. The .OCX file must be registered on each user's machine. The POLAR Draw ActiveX control Setup program registers the OCXs on your development machine. To register an OCX on the user machine, use the REGSVR32.EXE utility. This utility is available from Microsoft. To run this utility type the following at the command prompt on each user's machine: regsvr32 filename The second group of files are Microsoft redistributable files necessary for the ActiveX control to operate. Your programming environment should have installed and registered these files. If they were not installed, or they are older versions, the POLAR Draw ActiveX control installer updated and registered them. Copy these files from your development machine to your users machine. Our ActiveX controls require OLE2 support to be installed on a machine. In order to run an application containing one of our controls you must ensure OLE2 has been installed on the user's machine. The third group of files in the table list are the OLE2 files accessed by POLAR Draw ActiveX control. Normally, copying these files to the user machine is all that is required. The fourth group of files should be present on any system running Windows. You should not remove or update these files. They are included only to form a complete list of filed needed to use POLAR Draw ActiveX control. 7. USING THE UNINSTALLER POLAR Draw ActiveX control files can be removed from your system with the Windows 95 Add\Remove Programs item or by double-clicking the UnInstaller icon in the Program Manager folder. Using the UnInstaller will remove all files and Registration Database entries made during the installation. If you are using Visual Basic, it will create a support cache file (********.OCA) for each control, that must be removed manually. The UnInstaller creates a log of operations during the installation which it "undoes" to "uninstall" the product. You should run the UnInstaller before running the Installer additional times. If you run the installer a second time without using the UnInstaller first, only the options selected in the second install will be written to the UnInstall log and later be uninstalled. For the UnInstaller to work properly, you should reinstall your original options in addition to the options you wish to install. The Windows Start menu is not always updated immediately by the operating system. This means that sometimes uninstalled shortcuts do not always disappear right away. Because of this limitation, an uninstalled shortcut can temporarily continue to appear in the Start menu even though it really has been uninstalled. If you wait for a while, run some other programs, or restart the system, the shortcut should eventually disappear from the Start menu. To verify that the program has been uninstalled: 1. From the Start menu, go to Settings/Taskbar/Start Menu Programs/Advanced. 2. When the Explorer displays, click on the existing program folder. 3. Check to see if the shortcut exists in the program folder. If it does not, then the shortcut has been uninstalled correctly, but the Start menu has not been updated correctly. 8. HOW TO CONTACT US POLAR d.o.o. Put Supavla 1 21000 Split Croatia Phone: +385 21 380770 Fax: +385 21 380771 World Wide Web: http://www.polarsoftware.com Contact: info@polarsoftware.com Sales: sales@polarsoftware.com Developer Services: support@polarsoftware.com